About Us

Hey there! My name is Ellz  and I am the creator of The Green Tea Collective.
Here's the story of how this came about...

Picture a young woman in her twenties getting married, moving to a new state, and buying a home all in the span of one month - I was a ball of tension and not much did the trick to soothe me. And thus began my own journey into herbal expression. Through research I began to explore herbal blends that I could smoke that would help to ease any of what I was feeling. I headed to my local apothecary and after a few trial and errors - the base blend was created.


Three years later, that first blend has grown into many others. Then I began soaking in them and even steeping them! The more I opened myself to experiencing new herbs and their collective offerings, the more I wanted to share these with others. Over time, I hope to grow Green Tea into a community of individuals who have all grown in their own journeys of herbal expression.

Our products are locally sourced when possible - some from my garden even! When locally unavailable we work with conscious partners providing quality product. Each of our products are hand mixed and targeted in nature. Although we do not claim any curative effects, through experience and testimony of others we do believe with consistent use you will notice the changes you seek. I encourage you to do your own research and begin to explore the natural benefits that herbs offer to us freely. In the mean time, I'm here to share what I've learned with you.

In love and light,



Fun fact: We do not sell green tea. Can you guess what the green in our name is a nod to? IV.XX